A working group was established to implement the “White Gold” program to support the processing and production of livestock-derived raw materials, within the framework of the policy and action agenda of the President of Mongolia, the role of developing and presenting proposals for policies, action plans and financing in the areas of developing light industry, creating added value, and supporting the production of final products.
The working group was leaded by Z. Mendsaikhan, Advisor to the President of Mongolia’s Urban and Rural Development Policy, Senior Advisor to the President S. Lundeg, Economic Policy Advisor B. Davaadalai, Industry and Service Policy Advisor Ch. Zolbayar, Head of Food Project and Program Department of the Office of the President, A. Amarjargal and Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and established with representatives of Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Foreign Relations, Ministry of Finance, Bank of Mongolia, Small and Medium Enterprises Agency of Implementing agency of Government, Mongolian Wool and Cashmere Association, Woolen Product Manufacturers Association, Leather Products Manufacturers Association. The working group held its first meeting on March 4, 2024.