Golden Mouse festival has opened for the 18th year which is aiming to show the free thinking and artistic features of students, studying design therefore to support creative attitudes, spread the policy concepts that define design and to make known the features of the course by School of industrial Technology of Mongolian University of Science and Technology. In the opening, Tuyatsetseg.J, Director of School of Industrial Technology of MUST and Altantsetseg.D, Executive director of Mongolian wool and cashmere association are gave a opening speech.
In frame of the Golden Mouse festival Mongolian wool and cashmere association organized the Hackathon competition for exchanging the art and skill experience within the schools which are operating in the design field and its students also the company designers with the concept of “Yesterday’s waste is today’s luxury consumption”.
In his opening speech, the Executive Director of the Mongolian Wool and Cashmere Association, Altantsetseg.D, said that the demand for recycled, eco-friendly and sustainable cashmere products is increasing year by year due to the increasing awareness of consumers about the environment. Expressing her confidence that innovative masterpieces will be born from the Mongolian textile industry and she wished success to the participating youths.
In the competition, MIU, Mongolian National University of Art and Culture, Mongolian University of Science and Technology, School of Industrial Technology, Citi University, wool and cashmere factories and companies from Khanbogd Cashmere, Sor Cashmere, Cashmere Holding, Baylag Ulzii, Nans Cashmere and Gobi-Erdene Cashmere, which train professional designers, participated in the competition. This year’s competition is unique in that the Mongolian-Italian Textile Technology Center under the Mongolian Wool and Cashmere is organizing a Hackathon competition by re-decomposing the yarns 12/1 and 26/2 from the cashmere of the factories and spinning yarns from that waste.
In addition, during the event of the competition, Ashley Kim, head of the fashion design department of MIU International University, Mikami Atsuko, designer of Japanese Water Mark Co. Ltd., and Narantogtokh.D, associate professor of the MUST discussed and gave a speech about the characteristics of recycled yarns. In addition to providing information on product trends, sustainable materials, and introducing Mongolian cashmere to the foreign market, Italian Marangoni Fashion School and Fashion Stylist Munkhbayasgalan.D, gave a presentation in a interesting way to young designers on the topic of “The Age of Imagination” and the era of combining reality and digital.
The closing event of the Golden Mouse Festival will be held on May 19 and the winners will be selected on this day.